Sunday, May 24, 2009


“Moonshower” is an image of optimism and hope.
Throughout our lives we strive to reach many different goals.
Sometimes they are easily attained, at other times they are not.
To me, the figure in “Moonshower” is a representative of the human spirit.
She is gazing out into the distance in wonderment of what lies beyond the horizon.
What’s out there that she has yet to experience and learn? How will she get there?
What is that light at the end of the tunnel, represented here by the full moon?
There are always obstacles and barriers for us to overcome on our journey and in this image they are represented by the shattered glass, illustrating our fortitude in overcoming these obstacles and breaking down those barriers. Our spirit has wings to give her the strength she needs to reach her goals once she has cleared a path.

"Moonshower" is available as a beautifuly framed 20x24 limited edition cnavas print for $450


Vikki Vigna said...

Absolutely beautiful.

Mark Anthony King said...

Thanks Vikki
I'm glad you like it.